Saturday, June 18, 2016

It's Summer - The Adventure Challenge!

I have decided that each month I would like to do a theme to focus on. It is pretty obvious that November can be "gratitude" and February can be "love."

I am just in the mood for June/July (6 weeks) of pure adventure. Now wait? You are saying "I golf, camp at the same campground every year and bike ride for fun." That's nice. But just for a few weeks I would like everyone to think about whether or not they are up for trying some new things?  Don't be know you are up for 1, 2, or 3 things like this!?!

In 1999 there was a song that came out around the time I graduated. "Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen" by Baz Luhmann and actually it would be fun to expand my blog just based on the phrases/advice this song gives. but one of the lines is "Do one thing everyday that scares you."

So, could you do it?  If not, how come?

When I think about this, I think I would have to put effort into this but I have no doubt a challenge like this would suit my personality.  I'm such a practical person but some of the happiest experiences in my life have been when I tried something new and pushed my boundaries.

Try new foods; get to know new people; attempt the highest level of education as possible; attempt to start a business or write a book. Then there's the obvious...traveling, zip line, sky diving, etc. Life is about risk. Don't you want to be the person telling the best stories when you are older?

Today I was going to ask my facebook audience what I should do or try for myself to get the most bang for my buck during this journey.........then I realized I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

What adventures are you up to this summer? What types of adventures have you experienced in the past? Please respond...........the winner gets to dare me (within reason)!!!  

I'm going to be keeping a running list and I strongly encourage all of you to do the same.

I was ready to put this "idea" of adventure into the area of Plan and Leisure. But really if you are seeking out adventure daily, maybe an assigned hobby ends up being a little on the boring side.  But hey whomp it up and add a little doing laundry and work! We all only get one chance.

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