Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Siesta Hut - It's Here to Stay!

Well! I don't actually have a physical building or place where the Siesta Hut is located however the ideas and philosophy behind this idea are just not leaving my mind. Which is exciting and a little strange because I have absolutely no idea how to make this type of dream a reality. I guess it will be a series of trial and error, along with brainstorming and taking several different paths.

One thing that keeps entering my mind is the fact that someday I would like to earn money while I am taking care of myself and the extra physical needs I do have. Hopefully, along the way I can help and inspire other people along the way. So, I am not going to back down on expanding my knowledge/researching and discussing a few things:
                               1. Yoga
                               2. Relaxation Techniques
                               3. Time Management
                               4. Essential Oils from Young Living
                               5. Being financially aware and prepared to take tons of SIESTA's - someday!

We are all going to be apart of the working world for about 40-50 years throughout our life time. Sorry to depress you, but it's a reality not to ignore. I think it is important to make sure it is something we love to do! Have it be something that is close to our hearts and thoughts or something that we are passionate about. As I have gotten older I have realized a passion or drive can change and that is okay! Actually changes and twists/turns should be embraced and celebrated!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Finding a Balance

I guess this is a follow up to last weeks post. I felt like I was missing some important concepts or thoughts regarding "everything in moderation." It may sound like a repeat of last weeks post but I feel like my thoughts are in better order this week.

1. I feel like it is healthiest to maintain a certain level of homeostasis when approaching life. Homeostasis is a "state of psychological equilibrium obtained when tension or drive has been reduced or eliminated" or the ability to "maintain internal stability" ( Therefore finding a balance or realizing every component of life should be attempted with the goal of moderation is good. It will lower stress levels, anxiety and blood pressure.

2.) Life has it's ups and downs. It's not a flat line which is the visual that comes to mind when we think of something like homeostasis or our balance. But if it is a flat line, then that means we are dead! I feel like downward slopes should be discussed and even celebrated just like the ups. However it concerns me that society shapes us all to believe that we should be climbing a linear uphill celebration. I tend to see it has more of a false battle. Anything less than a linear uphill battle isn't really celebrated, in fact we tend to punish ourselves which causes behaviors we all aren't proud of at times.

3.) Addiction. If it is all or nothing with something major or minor maybe it is best to ask yourself, why? Why am I pushing so hard? Why am I avoiding this or that? What causes a negative or bad behavior? How are you feeling when it is all or nothing? Unhealthy? Guilty? If it's a healthy behavior your kind of obsessing over (working to hard, exercising and eating right)...why are you so obsessed? Please be sure there's no resentment or anger involved in striving to be the "best."

Finding my balance isn't an easy task but it's something I want to always be mindful of and continue striving for.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Everything In Moderation!

Kim"isms" Part 2

There are a lot of things in this world that can be taken to extreme. Actually - everything! Addiction is something that we all tend to struggle with, whether it it is something very serious such as drugs, alcohol or unhealthy behaviors. Or it could be minor addictions that gradually eat away at our inner peace and overall happiness such as working to hard, video games, social media or consuming to much sugar. Sometimes trying our hardest to succeed at something can become an addiction or obsession just because we loose other components of who we are just to reach that goal or sustain a certain type of lifestyle. I feel like this type of motivation and drive is okay to a certain extent because this is how ordinary people achieve wonderful things. However, at some point in time something has got to give. None of us are perfect. None of us are always going to be prepared to maintain mom of the year, wife of the year or employee of the year status. None of us are always going to be in first place during our 5Ks. I think overall as a society we need to learn that this is okay. The smartest, sexiest, friendliest people are also at times going to be the dumbest, laziest, rude/grouchy people you could ever come across.

The way I see it, rather than striving to be the best at everything or even the best at 1 or 2 things we all need to focus on finding our middle ground. This sounds so easy and simplified however the more I think about it and begin to focus on it, the more complicated this concept becomes.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Taking Time to Savor...Everything!

Kim"isms" Part 1 - Yes, a series of my life perspective!

I'm slow with everything I do which is good because I can savor every aspect of life.  It's kind of like foodies forcing themselves to eat slow to enjoy all the textures and flavors of the food they view as art. I do eat slowly however it is not forced, I'm just a natural!

To me it is more than just food or art. Everything in life should be savored and cherished. Nothing ever stays the same and we all only have one chance to experience everything life has to offer. From bad dates, hard tests, to watching friends move away, to traveling across the world, and owning a home and car with my own money. It all has meaning and makes me who I currently am today!

Each phase of my life I have taken several months or years to process what I am experiencing and thinking/feeling about those experiences. Very few times I have felt overwhelmed or to stressed to truly slow down to think and acknowledge what I am feeling. This is a good quality because I feel like I am able to be very decisive about the choices I make. This also means I am a more honest person because of my decisive, cautious nature. Many people learn to rush around and jump to the next stages of their lives without acknowledgement of the reasons why they are doing something or what they learned or feel from the situation. But yet to me it looks like they have everything they could ever ask for so easily and quickly.

I guess I am summarizing these thoughts because I have noticed that very amazing gifts have come into my life however it seems that it takes much longer for these gifts to come along. When the gifts do come along they come in small doses and one at a time. I am naturally able to be incredibly grateful and make a small gift into an enormous life blessing. It's my way of realizing I truly have it all. I couldn't ask for more and I am really looking forward to the next several phases I get to slowly savor!


Cerebral palsy has helped determine the career path I have taken. With my role as a school based Occupational Therapist, I have challenges r...