Friday, April 7, 2017

My Body's Hidden Messages

I have heard "listen to your body" before. If you need a nap, take it! If you're craving certain foods don't cut it off completely!  Learn moderation and research why you might be craving certain items. It could reveal a medical issue that was unknown. This is also a big part of yoga. If certain parts of your body scream pain for certain positions, don't force it and find a way to modify it. It's healthiest to let your mind and body work in sync, which for many of us is hard to do.

I am so hesitant to type this but I have said it out loud and it hasn't changed. I have not been sick for 13 months! I've had a few headaches and a few minor sinus clogs....but these have been so minor compared to years past.

I did get a flu shot in January. If I feel a scratchy throat I get out my essential oils for immunity and sinus issues. I do not use essential oils daily. I do attend weekly yoga classes. I totally feel like all these positions and movements flush out the bad stuff, there's really no other explanation.

I've had to look into some painful stomach cramps that have been popping up randomly for a couple of years. Based on what I've described the doctor thinks I'm getting abdominal migraines. Before this was decided I would have to lay down and use a heating pad for the pain to go away. I also had some prescription from my old doctor that did not help at all. My new doctor gave me the lowest dose possible of a new prescription that I would have to take daily. I took the medicine for 1 month back in January but there were a few mornings when I forgot. The pain occurred on a day I had yoga class. My instructor will usually ask what's going on with our bodies. Barely able to move I spoke up and shared my issue. I also explained the doctor's response and remedy. That night during yoga we worked on twisting our trunks/abdominal areas. It worked! My instructor said, there you prescription needed. She was right! I haven't refilled my prescription. I've had this pain occur twice since January and each time I do the poses and movements I can remember from yoga class for about 20 minutes and follow up with the heating pad. The pain is gone instantly.

I've seen an article not to sleep on your right side. This position slows down digestions and crushes your spleen and heart, etc. I've looked at the picture/article more than once. It makes logical sense. I have fallen asleep on my right side since I was 18 years old. I'm very conscientious about this position because if I don't fall asleep in this position there's a good chance I will have muscle spasms. The other night I tried starting out on my left side and sure enough my body was twitching like crazy. I do switch positions often most nights and every once in awhile I will fall asleep on my back. So who knows what this means for my inside's - at least I'm counter balancing with some yoga!

Just remember letting your ego and the media over-ride those hidden messages your body is telling you may not always be the healthiest key to success!!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Spring Break 2017

Anyone here in Michigan this week knows the weather is dreary. It's cold, it's dark and winter doesn't want to leave! Mid to late March we get 2-3 days of hope that our weather isn't full of completely depressing non-sense. Everyone who lives here has a glimmer of hope that because it was a mild winter we will not have snow on opening week of baseball. At least, that's my hope! Even with it's beautiful summer days along the shoreline, crisp beautiful falls and a high potential for white Christmas' - Michigan always let's me down February - May.

This week is prime time to go somewhere warm and escape the tail end of winter. Warm places are busy and expensive. My Facebook is full of happy people at beaches and amusement parks. I've had this week off without asking for 10 years now. Five years I have left and the other 5 years I have stayed home. I've realized this week of respite is all about perspective. It's not about the place I end up. It's about making the most of where I currently am with my overall journey.

2010 and 2012 are prefect examples of this. In 2010 I was towards finishing up an internship for the last portion of my graduate degree. That year I knew 6 months ahead of time I was going to be working every weekday I had off, January through August of 2010. Was I sick of snow, cold and dark! Yes, but I never once became sad about giving up prime time vacation week.  In 2012 I was searching to purchase my first home so that first week of April zipped by. I remember 2013 and 2016 being slightly different because of where I was at in my life. I was feeling a bit blue anyways. In 2013 and 2016 I vowed to never stay in Michigan during spring break week again. However, trips and time away have come up for later this year and unfortunately money doesn't grow on trees.

I am happy to report this year despite the crappiest weather imaginable I feel completely content! I have some personal goals brewing and bubbling up and I've been able to focus on them this week. This is exactly the spot I want to be right now and I have known this is what my spring break would be for a couple of months now.

I also fell way behind on household stuff during the month of March, so I have been playing catch up. I made sure to get out on my bike and in my yard during the 2 decent days this past weekend. I've also been catching up with a few of my favorite people this week which entails a trip up to my home away from home this next weekend.

Do you ever need a few days to catch up? Do you ever crave setting and following through with your own personal goals?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April is OT Month

Happy 100th Birthday Occupational Therapy!

100 years ago the founders of OT had a passion for rehabilitating soldiers who were wounded during The Great War. What started out has an idea to assist soldiers who were struggling with PTSD and had lost limbs be able to keep their hands and minds "occupied" and eventually work to earn money again has grown into a profession that changes the lives of many. The first pediatric OTs worked with children during the polio epidemic.

This is a profession that helped me learn how to hand write, tie a shoe, ride a bike and type on a key board for the first time. It has also given me the idea and foundation to always live life to it's absolute fullest. This means trying new things when I don't think it's possible and asking for help when I am certain things are going to be hard. I have instilled in me it's important to remain as independent as possible because of this profession. It's important for me to continue to use all the components and frame work of OT to stay organized by managing my time, resting and relaxing when appropriate and always realizing my whole body/mind will be effected when I make decisions.

This profession has also provided with me with a pay check and a secure job. It has introduced me to children who have inspired and taught me in so many ways. It has taught me patience and dedication and allows me to utilize my empathetic nature on a daily basis. I have been able to teach many children how to hand write, cut with scissors and tie shoes. I'm able to watch children live their lives to the fullest because of this profession.

Today, I will celebrated Occupational Therapy's milestone by having lunch at Olive Garden with my first OT! We discussed how my caseload at school is going and how much OT has changed in the school setting because education is rapidly changing, the effects vision therapy may have on me and how reasonable accommodations aren't necessary for me because I am consistently using tricks of the trade to independently take care of myself.

This is a really cool link celebrating 100 years of OT:

Be sure to check out the uniforms OTs used to wear!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Money Management

Man, there's a lot to this life we all lead. We work a lot and supposedly earn money. Then we spend money. We can also apply for credit cards and loans with great ease. I hesitate to write about this because it can become very emotional. Everyone has their own personal opinion on money management which means money causes the most stress on individuals and intimate relationships. It effects all of us personally, socially and politically.

I'm not going to share my personal journey with money management however I will say where I lack in meal preparation, I make up for in financial planning. I've never been fearful or in trouble financially.  I plan to keep it that way.  

For the sake of all the friends and acquaintances I encounter I would love to say I am in the middle when it comes to financial  success. I'm not rich. But for the most part I feel safe. When I read articles and statistics I learn this is not the case for most people in our society.

With this I have a few questions for everyone. Does financial planning stress you out? If you get sick or hurt and loose incoming pay checks, is there a plan? Is there a plan for late adulthood when you may have to change jobs or not work at all?

These are just thoughts to ponder. Relax, breathe, smile and know that you are capable of a small plan. Look up ideas on the internet to earn money fast or start saving fast.

The goal is to avoid unnecessary stress and to handle the stress that is unavoidable. Find what works for you and your family!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Meal Prep

Since I have been thinking about complex ADLs and living life to it's fullest, I need to remember we all need to eat! Most people love to eat! I must admit, this is a weaker priority for me therefore I haven't really made food and eating a major part of living a well balanced life.

We are living in a time when certain groups of people view food as art. Other people are viewing food as our life line to living happier and longer than the generation before (which is a real thing, you can't argue these facts).  A smaller group of people can use food as healthy nutrients and art wrapped up into one. The media and our fast paced lives hinder both of these philosophies.  Once women started working outside of the home and technology increased we wanted food fast. I believe this is because we want everything fast and we want more of everything. Why would food be different? Like the groups of people mentioned above I would have to agree and over abundance of fast, fake food is really unfortunate, for all of us. It's just that I have struggled to value the effort to make a strong change. I'd like to hire a shopper and cook. Or, I can just rotate who's house I visit each night for dinner.

Foodies and health nuts would be a little disappointed in my food habits. I grocery shop when I am out of food for my cats and/or milk and cereal. However, when I do shop I make a conscious effort to buy 1-2 pre-made salads by Meijer's Market Fresh section along with salad dressing. I always buy pre-cut fruit and sometimes I pick up pre-cut veggie's (if I'm in the mood). I've found the right texture of yogurt for me that has more protein than sugar and I love cereal and eggs. About 1-2 times a month I cook a meal that has left overs. I like snacks. tortilla chips/cheese/salsa happens often.  This past week I bought hummus just to take a break from chips and salsa. Yogurt and raisin toast or popcorn also happens for dinner a lot if I've had a decent bigger lunch.

The weeks I don't grocery shop, my habits change. If I run out of fruit and yogurt why not pick up junk food at QD while passing through town? Why not pick up a fast food sandwich? However, I have my favorite places to buy a salad in the areas I live and work. I have decided not to tell myself I can't have certain things to eat. However, the weeks I eat out 3 times or more I muster up the strength to go to the grocery store. I kind of like that by nature I'm a snacker because I eat smaller portions.
As long as I am mindful about what the snacks are, I'll be semi healthy. In terms of food being an art, I'll bite and try these unique meals every so often. Life should be about adventure and more often than not, these meals are pretty tasty.

Friends of mine have tried the pre-measured meals and recipes that are delivered to their doors such as Blue Apron. My issue with this idea is I'm pretty terrible at cutting and chopping food especially when my day has been full of work duties, errands and chores.

Does this mean that individuals who are working full time jobs and managing a disability are naturally going to be more slack with healthy eating habits? Fast food or pre-made items are going to be more convenient for people who have used up all their time and energy for other components of life.  

I think we're all in a mini battle with what food our society has to offer. Some of us are more willing to attempt to plan and strive for a healthier lifestyle with what we put into our bodies. Unless we all have a personality where this is thought of as a hobby individuals with health issues aren't going to put the effort needed into meal preparation.


Cerebral palsy has helped determine the career path I have taken. With my role as a school based Occupational Therapist, I have challenges r...