Monday, June 28, 2021


 The other day I wrote about the refreshing day of rain after experiencing some hot days that remained dry even though it's been pretty humid this month. After hours of rain, storms and pop up showers the past 3 days everyone in Michigan is so sick of summer showers. A couple of nights ago tornadoes swept through the area I live in.

After a sunny, hot, humid day more thunderstorms came through. For the most part, the storms and the rain needs to stop! The grass is green and there are issues with flooding for people across the state. But the clouds were really cool and fun to watch tonight. It was also about 8:30 or 9pm and still light enough to hangout outside (one of my favorite things about summer).

The clouds were amazing to look at and also gave me the reminder that most things are out of my control. It's also a reminder there is something majestic in the situations I experience, even if I am literally under a big black cloud. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Milestone birthday's

 A lot of posts on my newsfeed have been old classmates and friends turning 40 this year. As I scroll through, I think to myself "How can they be turning 40?!" I knew them when they were 7, or 12 or 18 years old. "Time passing" and "change being inevitable" are two concepts that are hard to grasp. I always need awhile to process both of these life realities. 

Then I remember, in August it's my turn. Overall, I feel okay with this. I've enjoyed my 30s and I can sense a layer of wisdom shielded over me that I didn't have when I was a young adult. Of course I have regrets but the good memories and accomplishments out weigh anything negative. There were so many things that have been foundational milestones such as individual financial stability, learning the importance of appreciating myself internally rather than proving anything externally (total work in progress) and my travel adventures really did go beyond anything I thought I would experience.

Even though I seem pretty relaxed about getting older, I can still sense the changes. Ten years ago, I specifically remember pushing myself and setting goals to have the most adventurous summer on record. How many bars, concerts, parties, trips could I fit in? This year I am searching on Amazon for books about setting boundaries, brainstorming how my house can be full time spa and wondering if a decent balance exists when careers and full time jobs are apart of my life. What a shift!? But that's how life goes!  

Friday, June 25, 2021

Rainy days

 A summer rain in MI can feel like a reset! It makes everything come alive and fresh again, including my perspective. Instead of everything being brown, dry and prickly things are now watered, green and full of life. I appreciate the smell of the air because even though it's humid there's a special outdoor smell that is so refreshing. This weather is a great time to be productive on household tasks inside and also allows my memory bank and imagination expand. I'll also admit with all of the windows open - it's been great napping weather.

Even though I love wearing my sunglasses and riding my bike in a boring circle 1-2 times a day, I have an appreciation for days like today. I've remembered to focus on the "freshness" of the air, trees, plants and my thoughts. 

I'm taking this approach to these summer rains because it's looking like I better get used to it for the next several days! 


Cerebral palsy has helped determine the career path I have taken. With my role as a school based Occupational Therapist, I have challenges r...