Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Spring Break 2017

Anyone here in Michigan this week knows the weather is dreary. It's cold, it's dark and winter doesn't want to leave! Mid to late March we get 2-3 days of hope that our weather isn't full of completely depressing non-sense. Everyone who lives here has a glimmer of hope that because it was a mild winter we will not have snow on opening week of baseball. At least, that's my hope! Even with it's beautiful summer days along the shoreline, crisp beautiful falls and a high potential for white Christmas' - Michigan always let's me down February - May.

This week is prime time to go somewhere warm and escape the tail end of winter. Warm places are busy and expensive. My Facebook is full of happy people at beaches and amusement parks. I've had this week off without asking for 10 years now. Five years I have left and the other 5 years I have stayed home. I've realized this week of respite is all about perspective. It's not about the place I end up. It's about making the most of where I currently am with my overall journey.

2010 and 2012 are prefect examples of this. In 2010 I was towards finishing up an internship for the last portion of my graduate degree. That year I knew 6 months ahead of time I was going to be working every weekday I had off, January through August of 2010. Was I sick of snow, cold and dark! Yes, but I never once became sad about giving up prime time vacation week.  In 2012 I was searching to purchase my first home so that first week of April zipped by. I remember 2013 and 2016 being slightly different because of where I was at in my life. I was feeling a bit blue anyways. In 2013 and 2016 I vowed to never stay in Michigan during spring break week again. However, trips and time away have come up for later this year and unfortunately money doesn't grow on trees.

I am happy to report this year despite the crappiest weather imaginable I feel completely content! I have some personal goals brewing and bubbling up and I've been able to focus on them this week. This is exactly the spot I want to be right now and I have known this is what my spring break would be for a couple of months now.

I also fell way behind on household stuff during the month of March, so I have been playing catch up. I made sure to get out on my bike and in my yard during the 2 decent days this past weekend. I've also been catching up with a few of my favorite people this week which entails a trip up to my home away from home this next weekend.

Do you ever need a few days to catch up? Do you ever crave setting and following through with your own personal goals?

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