Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What I Have Learned From Yoga


Here are the things I have learned from yoga:

The past several years I have wondered "What else is there?" "What else can I experience?" "How can I continue to grow?" Is the answer a new job, more trips, more friends, more things, nicer things, more quality time? As I began to learn about all components of yoga; I was amazed when I started to realize an answer to my questions. Change, fulfillment and growth occur when I commit to learn about myself and listen to my strongest intuitions. This seems so simple however when taking a deep dive it's not simple at all!

Of course, like anyone else in the Western world, my strength and flexibility have improved my physical body which is incredible considering that I am older and do have unique motor challenges. Each time I notice an improvement within myself physically I am reminded of the potential for improvements in all aspects of my life. 

I have also learned, I can only control my body, breath and reactions towards the things that are happening around me. I continue to work on taking deeper breathes more often and more frequently. As my exhales have gotten longer, I notice a difference when I am stretching. When I give a good exhale I become more flexible in the pose I am practicing which is really cool. 

I know my body is more open than it's ever been even if I am in pain at times. I notice the more I move or change positions the less pain I experience. On good days, this changes my life at work. This past school year I played with different positions while typing reports to create openness within my body. Rather than being bored and annoyed with typing the report, I am setting a timer and challenging my body to open up and sustain the position I am in for the appropriate amount of time. 

I mainly tend to get pain in my trunk and actually my ribs feel like there's tightness/inflammation which does effect my ability to breathe deeply. This especially occurs when I am sitting too much. I feel like these aches and pains are speaking to me. They remind me of what my main focus should be on, rather than spending time and energy on things that are negative and don't really matter. I am amazed that even though the pain exists on a consistent basis my body feels healthier and stronger. I notice how much more aware I am physically, mentally and emotionally which is the core of who I am meant to be. My CP created this unique physical body that needs to be calculated with every activity and movement I complete. Yoga philosophy is teaching me how to fulfill that. I am reminded on a regular basis of what truly matters in life. I am also learning the skills and effort it takes to let go of the things that don't matter. 

I must admit, I am not perfect with recognizing the signals my body provides me. I have days when negative thoughts regarding life situations creep in and I ignore the signals and steps needed to focus on what's really important. I have days or periods of time when errands, distractions and sitting on the couch to watch Netflix is easier and more accessible than listening to my body and intuition. Through yoga, I am learning that it is possible to get everything I need, want and desire out of my experiences, perceptions and life in general. 

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