Saturday, January 26, 2019

Let's Get Physical

Earlier this week I wrote about how change was inevitable for everyone. I feel like putting that into words was important for me because in my 30s, it has felt like my life has not changed at all. Rewinding back to when I first purchased my home and thinking about who I was and how I was feeling, I realized how untrue this is. I am stronger, mentally, physically and emotionally. There's no doubt my 30s has been about becoming stronger. It's so fun!

Awhile back, I wrote it down and believed it with every feeling in my body

and thoughts. Yoga has changed my life! My physical health and well being is so much better than it was 6 years ago!

The past few years, I have only been getting colds/sinus issues 1 time a year opposed to 5 or 6 times a year! I get a headache once every 3 to 6 months opposed to migraines 1-2 times a month. I am 1-2 inches away from touching my toes when I stretch my hamstrings which is incredible for someone with cerebral palsy. I'm even beginning to incorporate yoga into the work I do with my students which brought out some extra smiles during therapy this week!

It's been a journey so far and with every journey there are road blocks. I would love to say that I am able to do planks 2.5 minutes 4 times a week, but I'm not certain this is really a healthy thing for me to be doing. The past 2.5 years I have been struggling with trunk pain. My neck, back, and peck muscles have been incredibly sore. Only by brainstorming with a massage therapist, physical therapists and my yoga instructor have I been able to figure out why I am in so much pain and I have also been finding solutions to decrease the pain. To summarize, I believe by opening up through yoga my trunk is able to experience what life is like without spasticity and muscle tightness even if it's only for a few minutes. My body naturally tightens up and when it does now, it's more painful than ever. I am feeling better than I have felt in months because I have realized I can't be sedentary too long and it's best to relax and take a break from physical activity when I am feeling overstimulated neurologically. It's been interesting and rewarding to realize what the perfect balance is for my body. Even though I have a physical disability, I think every person struggles to find what this perfect balance is. Will you ever find your perfect balance? Have you tried? How does it make you feel?

As for planks........I will no longer attempt side planks or planks on 3 limbs and I will stop when my wrists are strained. The weight bearing is great for my whole body but I can't risk twisting my trunk. That was this weeks lesson!

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Cerebral palsy has helped determine the career path I have taken. With my role as a school based Occupational Therapist, I have challenges r...