Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The iWatch


For months or maybe even years, I knew I could go without an iWatch. It's just another toy that costs a lot of money. I drag my feet with spending money with a lot of things. However, this little gadget does have some interesting things that have made me more aware of my overall health. It's like the accountability partner I need to have. Also, it saved me when I locked myself out of my car the other day! 

1.) I don't sleep enough. I'm pretty good at staying asleep once I get there. But I procrastinate to get ready for bed. When I was still working this spring was the toughest because I enjoy 8:30 bike rides and I take forever to get ready for bed. Forever. 

2.) When standing to cook or fold laundry or wipe down the counter...I sometimes don't get a stand point. Thanks, iWatch I also knew cooking is a waste of time and energy. And it hurts. So I think you're a smart little device. 

If I stand to write reports I'm pretty good about taking breaks to move and stretch because I'm bored out of my mind. With cooking, I'm usually spilling things and getting no move points to clean it up. A different post is probably necessary but I've tried some really great recipes the past 6 months, despite my stationary pain.

3.) With taking what I have learned about yoga class, my favorite yoga podcasts and chatting with PTs over the years I have a 30 minute workout that feels really, really good to me. I click on my iWatch and say I'm doing yoga. Sometimes I am moving and my heart rate soars other times I am doing a pretty decent stretch. I have a lot of cross touching, core strengthening and twisting throughout this thing. I feel "yummy" afterwards and my iWatch expands my move points, so we both agree this is a great 30 minutes spent. Because of the iWatch I am doing more active movements and it congratulates me :)

I look forward to discovering more purposeful moments and intentional movements with my iWatch!

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