Man, there's a lot to this life we all lead. We work a lot and supposedly earn money. Then we spend money. We can also apply for credit cards and loans with great ease. I hesitate to write about this because it can become very emotional. Everyone has their own personal opinion on money management which means money causes the most stress on individuals and intimate relationships. It effects all of us personally, socially and politically.
I'm not going to share my personal journey with money management however I will say where I lack in meal preparation, I make up for in financial planning. I've never been fearful or in trouble financially. I plan to keep it that way.
For the sake of all the friends and acquaintances I encounter I would love to say I am in the middle when it comes to financial success. I'm not rich. But for the most part I feel safe. When I read articles and statistics I learn this is not the case for most people in our society.
With this I have a few questions for everyone. Does financial planning stress you out? If you get sick or hurt and loose incoming pay checks, is there a plan? Is there a plan for late adulthood when you may have to change jobs or not work at all?
These are just thoughts to ponder. Relax, breathe, smile and know that you are capable of a small plan. Look up ideas on the internet to earn money fast or start saving fast.
The goal is to avoid unnecessary stress and to handle the stress that is unavoidable. Find what works for you and your family!
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