Friday, December 30, 2016

Advice From An OT

As promised, sleeping tips from an OTs point of view. I wrote this awhile back for parents who are trying to help their kids get a better nights rest. But I really think this can be helpful for adults too!

Sleep well because it continues to be dark all the time. Story of our lives until about May if you're in Michigan.

* Have the same routine every night is very helpful
* No TV/screen time after dusk (lights and images from the screens wake the brain up and disrupts sleep)
* This is a good time for old fashioned play (using building blocks on the floor). Adults reading a real book, arts and crafts, puzzles, etc.
* It may even be helpful and fun to eat dinner by candle light (bright lights can be alerting to the brain)
* Body temperatures need to drop 2 degrees to fall asleep, so it is best to keep the room cooler (increased body temperatures usually are because of high cortisol levels which puts them in flight or fight mode at all times
* Use a weighted blanket while sleeping (or heavy quilts, extra comforter) 
* Take a hot bath and then send the child straight to bed (no play time, story or snack after bath time)
* Use deep pressure when towel drying (which increases serotonin and dopamine levels 
* Research essential oils that are calming to diffuse at night. I like lavender oil.
* Make sure you sleep on a firm mattress
* Avoid sleeping on your stomach or with an over sized pillow. Both of these positions place your neck and spine out of alignment.
* Place a pillow between your knees if you are side sleeping or under your knees if you are laying on your back.

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Cerebral palsy has helped determine the career path I have taken. With my role as a school based Occupational Therapist, I have challenges r...